Saturday, December 29, 2007

World Wibe Web Dies

What is the Internet ?

Or when was the internet developed, was it ArpaNet, phone system, telegraph wires - NO! I believe the internet was first seen as soon as the first living organism moved out of the way of another or made a noise. In essence the first communication was the beginning of the Internet. So this means the Internet is not the old phone network overlaid with a tcp/ip infrastructure and that's definitely correct. The internet is a name we use for communication, basically no more than that. It can use tcp/ip, netbios or any other protocol (ATM.SDH ... yada yada yada).

So Whats the world wide web ?

Well thats easy, its a mechanism to publish and link many documents and files using html. It is an overlay network that sits on the Internet, just like email, ftp etc. they are all networks that sit on the Internet.

Why will it die ?

This is also easy - it's not efficient! and never will be it depends on servers, controls and in most case single failure points (or some call them companies) and also it relies on and is controlled by governments. Therefor borders exist - and thats not logical. How can somebody or something come between you and your receiving party - well they can't.

The web is just a bunch of islands of data, controlled and laid out at their owners behest. Too structured in many ways and not structured at all in terms of real open communications. We cannot aggregate (i.e. use efficiently) the worlds info in this manner. The semantic web or web 2.0 would help but will likely never happen (see xml and all its promise, world standards fail (death and taxes and standards)).

What will replace it ?

Information and lots of it. But information thats freely published, may or may not be signed and information that never dies or can be censored.

A new network of micro machines that join together to create a whole, i.e. every processing device and storage device will add to or remove from the Internet as it leaves and joins.

A new form of collaboration and sharing of information, money, opinion and most importantly freedom.

When ?

This year 2008! who knows but the sooner the better. See www। and check out the products page video. It's very good but does not even depict the extreme tip of the iceberg of autonomous micro organisms that maidsafe type technology can turn our computers and -phones into. A revolution is coming and mankind will move forward faster than ever before and we will all do it together for the first time in history.

Don't close the worlds great divides - simply remove them altogether, it's easier and faster.

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